Apr 20, 2015

Back & Better Than Ever

I'm only freaking out a little bit. Mumford released this song to the public and I can strongly say that I love it. It is soooooo different from their old stuff, which is super obvious, THERE IS NO BANJO. But I am digging the style, and I am counting down the days until the new album is released (MAY 4)! So glad Mumford is back...

So I'm at a huge point in my life where I have a bunch of choices to make - what I want to do for work, where I want to live, who I want to surround myself with, etc... I was so lucky in school to make the friends I did, both in college and in high school, because I know these people will have my back forever, but it gets hard when we are separated all over the state/country. It's been a tough, rough few months, but I am excited and feeling like I'm back and ready for whatever is coming my way. I am really pumped to start this new chapter of my life and start meeting people that are going to help me grow in the professional world. I'm still trying to figure everything out, but all I can do is go up from here and I couldn't be more excited!

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